Women of LJUMC Ring in the New Year with Retreat led by June Dillinger

Women of LJUMC Ring in the New Year with Retreat led by June Dillinger

This past weekend twenty-two of us shared in a wonderful (though somewhat wet), retreat.  Our presenter, June Dillinger, Margie Herrick’s daughter, came from Honolulu to challenge and inspire us, and she did just that! 

We enjoyed wonderful accommodations and delicious food, but, more importantly, we enjoyed camaraderie, companionship, and the comforting presence of members of our church family.

Next year will see a new retreat with a new presenter, but with the old expectations of a worthwhile and inspiring weekend.  We hope those who could not join us this year will look for the announcement of and join us for the next retreat.

You may recognize someone in the accompanying photos.  When you see any one of them on the Patio, be sure and ask her about her weekend.  She will be delighted to share.