Women’s Bible Study

Our newest women’s Bible Study is about to begin!  
7-week study for Lent called “When You Pray.” 

Prayer is simply talking with God. But oddly, many of us are not very good at it, or very comfortable doing it. We find it difficult to pray regularly, or we feel like our prayers lack passion and power. This special study looks at six prayers in the Bible, and teaches us how to use them as models in our prayers of petition, praise, lament, intercession, and unity. This study will equip us to have a never-ending conversation with our Heavenly Father.

 We’ll be using the study guide, “When You Pray.” It features six outstanding women teachers, so you’ll get several perspectives on prayer. Each week has daily readings and questions that we’ll discuss in our group, and a video to watch. We’ll also explore prayer journal options so we can take notes and see God’s power at work.
Please join us on Wednesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. in the Fireside Library, beginning Feb. 7 and continuing through March 27. No session on Feb. 14.   See you then!