First Pastor of the La Jolla Church

First Pastor of the La Jolla Church

The Rev. Dr. McFadden was a resident at Casa de Mañana in 1951 when it opened. He served as its first chaplain and held that position for six years. At Casa de Mañana his duties included counseling fellow residents, leading worship services, and a series of studies in religion and literature.

With no Methodist church in La Jolla, the Rev. Dr. McFadden was interested in organizing one. The La Jolla Methodist Church was established on May 28, 1953 with seven charter members. He was appointed as the first pastor and led its first worship service the first Sunday in June and served until October 1953 when the Rev. Thomas Denman was appointed pastor.

When his appointment ended the Rev. Dr. McFadden was named Pastor Emeritus and continued to preach occasionally until after his 90th birthday.