Sermon Notes (Page 13)

In preparation for our weekly worship services and sermons, we like to publish a brief note with some introductory paragraphs, the scripture, and a few thought-provoking questions. Some small groups may wish to use this as a resource for study with friends. We hope this helps you in your spiritual growth!

Notes on “Wisdom & Revelation”

This Sunday is Christ the King Sunday and our third week of our Extended Advent series. It may seem as though all of our scriptures so far have been focused on eschatology (the theology of the last days). This is a fair assessment. Even when we follow the shorter four-week Advent schedule, the first of these is always an eschatological selection. This is because our preparations for the arrival of the Christ child parallel our preparations for the second coming…

Notes on “Uncertainty & Preparedness”

I have never been pregnant, but my husband and I are in the final weeks of becoming certified resource (foster) parents, and find ourselves preparing our home for children in much the same way we would if I were having a biological child. Part of the difference for us–aside from not taking Lamaze classes–is that the child or children coming to our home could be any age between birth and five years old. With that knowledge, we are preparing for…

Notes on “Starting with Why”

This Sunday we begin our Extended Advent celebration! A project recommended by The Very Reverend Wm H. Petersen, PhD, this extended time is intended to remain faithful to our spiritual traditions understanding that our culture has appropriated the pre-Christmas season as a time of shopping and movie-watching. While the giving of gifts and creative inspiration are worthy efforts, these things must take place through the lens of spiritual preparation for the presence of Christ in our lives. During this time,…