UMCOR for Ukraine

As you have probably seen in the e-Journal and at our Sunday service, the UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery fund is providing direct assistance to those in Ukraine as well as assistance to Ukrainians fleeing to neighboring countries.

You can learn more about United Methodists and Ukraine at this website: There is more specific information in the links listed under “Resources.”

We can be proud of the Charity Watch A+ rating for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). One hundred percent of all contributions go to the designated cause. You can easily donate to this UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery fund (Advance #982450) through our church. Designate “UMCOR-Ukraine” on your check to the church office or at Sunday service. You can also give online at the church “Giving” page at our website. Selecting “Give Online” will take you to our new donations page where you click on “Other.” Please write UMCOR-Ukraine in the Note section

We will endeavor to keep you informed regarding the response of United Methodists to this humanitarian disaster. There will be much to do over a long period of time. United Methodists are united with Ukraine in prayers for peace.

The Missions & Social Concerns Committee