Unity Build with Habitat for Humanity

Unity Build with Habitat for Humanity

La Jolla UMC has an opportunity to serve.  San Diego Habitat for Humanity is building six homes in National City. A Unity Build event will be held from February 4th through February 6th to help complete this project.  There will be more information provided later this month. Volunteers do not need to have any special skills or prior experience, and your commitment could just be for one of the days. You can find some information on this webpage:  https://www.sandiegohabitat.org/get-involved/events/unity-build/

There is a request form on that page if you wish to learn more directly from SD Habitat.

We will continue to provide additional information about this event in the coming weeks. You will see that they ask volunteers for a $50 contribution, but you don’t have to worry about that.  Habitat for Humanity has recognized our continuing contributions (through our annual Alternative Christmas Giving), and they are waiving that request from our participants.

The current surge of the coronavirus could interfere with their plans, but might also cause our assistance to be more valuable. Please save a day on that first weekend in February and let us know that you might be interested by email, text or voice: snjohn2000@gmail.com or 714-623-2339. Thanks for your support. We hope that we can have a group from our church working with groups of other faiths to build these homes.

Stan Johnson for the Missions & Social Concerns Committee