Our Hymn of Grateful Praise

After Giving Thanks

As we conclude our brief series on gratitude, the text for this week is familiar. The story of the feeding of the five thousand is in all four Gospels, though some of the details are differentAnd in three of the Gospels, it is linked to the story of Jesus walking on water. Consider what it must have felt like to be in one of these settings… Scripture: John 6:5-23 (CEB)

In Everything

The opening verse this week is, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.” Consider someone in your life who acts this way. This doesn’t mean, even as we approach Thanksgiving, that there isn’t room for grief or sadness. Suffering can hit us even during the holiday season. Even in this suffering, God offers care and grace. Scripture: Philippians 4:4-13 (NRSVue)

Enter the Gates

This week we begin a new 3-week series on gratitude called Our Hymn of Grateful Praise. Through these few weeks, we will explore the essential nature of gratitude in our lives and in our faith. This first Sunday, we begin with a psalm of thanks. I think expressing gratitude is essential for us, and sometimes I wonder if we have lost that practice. I’m sure I’ve spoken before about how terrible I am at remembering to write Thank-You cards! I’m…