Sermons by Tara Limbaugh

Setting the Plot in Motion

On the Wednesday of Jesus’ final week, two of Jesus’ followers make important decisions that set the plot in motion for Jesus’ arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection. The writer of the Gospel of Mark contrasts for us the decisions made by the woman with the alabaster jar, and Judas, one of the twelve disciples. Scripture: Mark 14:1-11 (CEB)

Packed & Ready?

This week we begin a four-week journey of Advent called Road Trip. Advent is the time leading up to Christmas where we eagerly wait and prepare our hearts for the celebration of Jesus’ birth. It’s about anticipating the joy, hope, and love that Jesus brings into our world. During this season that is often filled with the nostalgia of Christmases past, we often find ourselves traveling to spend time with family and friends; our vehicles packed to the brim. There’s…

Wrestling with Favor

Have you ever wanted to walk on water? Have you ever wanted to stand out? Have you ever wanted to be the favorite? Careful what you wish for! Scripture: Genesis 37:1-4, 19-28; Romans 10:10-13; Matthew 14:22-33 (CEB)

Wrestling with Legacy

Like Jacob who wrestles an angel, we all wrestled with our own legacy. Today we will look to the past in order to plan for the future. Scripture: Genesis 32: 22-31; Matthew 14: 13-21

United, Not Uniform

The church at Corinth began to follow the ways of the Greek and Roman temples by creating “mini gods” of their teachers and dividing themselves according to which teacher they preferred. The Apostle Paul admonishes them for setting human influence over the Gospel of Christ. We can all claim our favorite preachers, theology books, hymns, or styles of worship. We are not called to be uniform in our preferences; however, we must never create “mini gods” of those preferences. We,…

Strength in Connexion

Pastor Tara continues our series on Unity in Diversity: The Beauty of The United Methodist Church. In earlier weeks, we explored the structure and systems in place that make the UMC a “connectional” church. This week’s message illustrates how this connectionalism strengthens our congregations and strengthens our denomination. Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-7,11-16 (CEB)

God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It?

How many times have you heard this statement? This exclamation is typically employed at the end of a conversation. Why are we so quick to end conversations with friends, neighbors, and fellow parishioners when beloved community often begins with a conversation? Scripture: Deuteronomy 23:12-14 (CEB)

Crucified with the Outlaws

This final week before Easter, we begin with Jesus’ procession into Jerusalem as well as the final moments of the Passion. It is here that Jesus has become the outcast and the outlaw, and in these final moments Jesus continues to offer infinite grace. Scripture: Luke 23:32-49 (CEB)

Parables from the Underside

Two sons – one leaves home, squanders his inheritance, and begs for forgiveness. Another who never left home, didn’t spend his inheritance, and begs for recognition. The younger son needs redemption. The older son needs restoration. How is the oldest son like our LGBT+ siblings, most notably our transgender siblings, who are afraid and hurt, and who are asking the church to recognize them? Scripture: Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 (CEB)

Turn, Turn, Turn

Our New Year’s Day service brought a familiar text and music as we begin a new year looking both forward and backward… Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 (CEB)
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