Sermons from July 2021

How Do We Face Evil & Injustice?

We are nearing the end of this season of questions with just a few weeks to go. This week’s question comes from an LJUMC member who asks about our responsibility in standing up to bullies and bigots. As a spiritual community of faithful Christians, we might see this as our duty. We may also acknowledge that it is difficult to stand up to wrongdoing… Scripture: Matthew 18:15-20 (CEB)

What’s the Household of God?

This week’s topic in our “Questions That Matter” series is inspired by the Epistle reading from our Revised Common Lectionary. Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus tells his readers that they “are fellow citizens with God’s people…” who “belong to God’s household.” If your household is like mine, sometimes there is disagreement or even argument. This seems to be the case for Paul’s readers as he invites them into reconciliation with one another as one body in God’s household.…

Is Heaven Real?

Continuing our Questions That Matter series, we turn to a question that was asked in more than one form and has thus been synthesized into this: Is Heaven real? Our concept of eternal life is deeply rooted in sacred text, and I suggest it is intended to bring hope. But sometimes it is used to exclude. In this week’s message, we will consider the idea of eternal life, heaven, and who it’s for… Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46, Ephesians 1:15-23 (CEB)

What’s So Important About Community?

This week we continue our “Questions That Matter” series with a question about community. This is deeply connected to our festivities this Sunday as we gather together to celebrate Independence Day. We will connect in an important way! I suggest that this kind of connection carries emotional and spiritual importance for us all. Scripture: Romans 12:1-8 (CEB)