Sermons from September 2021

The Pearl of Great Price

Continuing our series on the parables of Jesus, this Sunday’s text describes a merchant who in his act of searching for many fine pearls found one precious pearl and sold everything to acquire it.  He is no longer a merchant because he no longer has a trade or anything left besides his precious pearl. This is an example of extravagant discipleship, and many of us would not find ourselves doing the same thing. However, in recognizing God’s invaluable gift for…

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like Yeast

Continuing our series on the parables of Jesus, this Sunday’s text gives us images of growth and height. The yeast fills dough with air, makes it rise, gives it texture and richness. We seem to value these things! And yes, perhaps I’ve inflated this illustration (as preachers are wont to do), and in doing so perhaps have given it texture and richness. The short text for this Sunday is rich with imagery, in part because it is familiar. Scripture: Matthew…

Hospitality: The Good Samaritan

This Sunday we continue our sermon series on the parables of Jesus. Once again, we enter into a familiar story! The Good Samaritan is surely one we’ve heard ourselves, we’ve heard a number of pop culture references, and perhaps we’ve even seen children or grandchildren or nieces/nephews perform skits. We know this story! Perhaps we even see ourselves in this story. Scripture: Luke 10:24-37 (CEB)

Prodigal Son Redux

This Sunday we begin a new sermon series on the parables of Jesus, and the first will be the familiar story of the prodigal son. We’ve surely heard this story before, and sometimes when we hear the same story again and again—even one that has importance to us—we can drift away and lose interest. But when we hear another storyteller or hear another perspective, we can find new interest and new joy in the same story once again. Scripture: Luke…