Sermons from February 2022

Seeing & Re-Seeing

As we have continued to Worship in various ways including online, we regularly claim that the act of Worship changes us and that we are called to respond to the change that takes place. Perhaps we might consider that this change is not only an inward spiritual change, but that this inspires an outward and visible change—perhaps even a change that shifts our perspective to see more clearly. Scripture: Luke 9:28-36 (CEB)

Raised in Glory

This Sunday we continue our series called The Body of Christ: Learning & Re-Learning How to Be a Christian. Indeed, we are nearing the end of this series as we get closer to the season of Lent! We began with the Spirit’s presence in baptism and Paul’s assertion that we are united in the Spirit. And as we followed Paul’s argument, we were (hopefully) compelled by his illustrations of the diversity of the body. We were reminded of our physical…

The First

In this week’s text, Paul returns to one of the central disagreements present for the Corinthian community. He does so building on last week’s reminder about going back to the basics. He does so by starting with Jesus. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 (CEB)

Hold On!

This week, the text invites us to go back to the very beginning of our spiritual lives. Do you remember when you first heard the amazing, “good news,” heard it in a way that changed your life? Hold on to that moment, Paul says. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 (CEB)