Sermons from April 2022

Escape Into Grace

This week we begin Eastertide and a new Worship series titled The Grace of Les Misérables, based on the book by the same title by Rev. Matt Rawle. This opening week of the series, we focus on the main character, Jean Valjean, who moves physically and spiritually from imprisonment to grace. Scripture: Luke 6:32-38 (CEB)

From Darkness to Light

Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Each year, Easter Sunday is the culmination of a season of introspection and spiritual discovery, an emerging from a time of authentic introspection to a time to celebrate the natural transformation that takes place as a result of such work. We sing hymns and we recognize the newness that is made possible! We celebrate a fuller understanding of new life, especially new life in the risen Jesus! Scripture: Luke 24:1-12, Acts 10:34-43 (CEB)

Good Friday: Were You There?

Technical note: This service was held at Pacific Beach UMC and is reposted here for the convenience of LJUMC community members. Good Friday marks the day when hate and fear did their worst…the day of Jesus’ crucifixion.  On this day of grief and sorrow, we will gather with one another, in God’s care, to remember Jesus’ death on a cross. LJUMC joins the good people at Pacific Beach UMC in their sanctuary in prayerful reflection online and in-person for Good…

Maundy Thursday

The Maundy Thursday celebration is traditionally an honoring of Jesus’ last supper with his disciples. Told in all four of the Gospels, this tradition celebrates the institution of Holy Communion. In addition, the Gospel of John tells of a new commandment to love one another. The word “maundy” is from the same Latin root of the word commandment. We join together with the people of Pacific Beach UMC for an in-person and online service to confess and be pardoned, to…

Giving Up Popularity

Technical Note: We apologize. Once again, the embedded video has no sound, this time until the 32:55 marker. This Sunday is the traditional celebration of Palm Sunday, and is a peak of celebration in Jesus’ ministry that leads to the valley of death on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Ultimately, we arrive at an even higher peak on Easter Sunday! And we must acknowledge the fullness of this journey—a very real journey for Jesus and those in first-century Jerusalem, and…

Giving Up Being Right

Technical Note: We apologize. The first 10 minutes of the embedded video has no sound. We are blessed with leadership from Rev. Mark Wiley, who has served around the Southern California region including in Santee. Pastor Mark continues our Lenten series with a poignant reminder that we’re not always right–and that’s ok! Scripture: Isaiah 43:16-21 (NRSV); John 12:1-8 (CEB)