Sermons from February 2023

Lifting Up the Lowly

As we begin exploring the Gospel of Luke, God chooses an old couple who have been infertile and then chooses a very young woman. Both will bring children into the world—and those children will change the world. Scripture: Luke 1:39-55 (CEB)

Super Sunday

This week is Transfiguration Sunday, a significant day for us as we move into Lent. These are a reminder of God’s power and presence, and of how Jesus both fulfills and transcends the laws and the prophets. It must have been an incredible sight! As we celebrate Transfiguration Sunday, let us experience the wonder and joy—and let us do so as we turn our faces toward Lent. Scripture: Matthew 17:1-9 (CEB)

But I Say

As we continue the Sermon on the Mount from the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus pushes even more overtly against the common cultural practices—practices that remain today. He reminds us that our very thoughts are worthy of our consideration and evaluation. I suggest that what Jesus is getting at is that he wants more from us than a change in behavior. He wants from us and from humanity a change in heart, a change in being. Scripture: Matthew 5:21-37 (NRSVue)

You Are

In today’s text, Jesus asks us to reflect on the power we already have. “You are salt. You are light.” Not, “Do you want to be salt, or do you want to be light?” You already are. You already add flavor to this world. You already shine with a dazzling light. You are already loved and cherished by God. Scripture: Matthew 5:13-20 (CEB)