Sermons on Romans

We Believe: The Forgiveness of Sins

This week we focus on a short and powerful statement in the Apostle’s Creed: the forgiveness of sins. The forgiveness of sins is a fundamental belief in the Christian faith. When we declare that we believe “in the forgiveness of sins” we affirm our belief in a divine grace that is available to everyone. Scripture: Romans 5:12-19, Matthew 5:38-48 (CEB)

The Image of Community

As we journey into summer and the season after Pentecost, we follow the arrival of the Holy Spirit with a celebration of the mysterious Trinity. The idea of the Trinity has surely inspired volumes of works simply to explain its theological concept. It is difficult for us to understand how God can be both infinitely whole and also three completely separate persons (Creator, Christ, Spirit). Perhaps the phrase from John below says it well: “you can’t handle it now.” And…

What’s So Important About Community?

This week we continue our “Questions That Matter” series with a question about community. This is deeply connected to our festivities this Sunday as we gather together to celebrate Independence Day. We will connect in an important way! I suggest that this kind of connection carries emotional and spiritual importance for us all. Scripture: Romans 12:1-8 (CEB)

Hold On!

This Sunday’s sermon concludes our series on starting with why. Following last week’s message encouraging us to live as though Jesus makes a difference in our lives, Pastor Bob encourages us to hold on, because a spiritual life can bring radical change to our lives and to the world!

Who Do You Say

LJUMC online worship for the twelfth Sunday after Pentecost. We continue to explore our “Why” based on our understanding of, relationship to, and calling by Jesus.

To the Lost Sheep

Continuing the series on starting with “why,” Pastor Bob wrestles with a difficult scripture about a Canaanite woman who seeks healing for a loved one.

The Word is Near You

Continuing our series on the why of our sacred stories, Pastor Lea brings a message reminding us that we must first live lives of love and compassion for one another.

You Give Them Something

We begin a new Sermon Series called Starting with Why during this month August. In this first message of the series, Pastor Bob explores the familiar story of a large crowd receiving a needed meal. Rather than focusing on how the bread and fish were multiplied to sustain such a large crowd, but instead on why Jesus responded in the way that he did. Consider the role that compassion holds in our life of faith and how we are called…

Living in Prayer

We conclude this short sermon series with the reminder that prayer isn’t necessarily easy. Even the disciples asked how to pray, and Paul reminds us that we don’t always have to have the right words to do so. But we also must remember that prayer isn’t limited to just words! Scripture: Romans 8:26-39

Creation Waits

We continue the series, Nothing Can Separate Us, with a connection with creation alongside the idea that even in suffering we are connected. Scripture: Romans 8:12-25

Set Your Mind

We begin a new three-week sermon series acknowledging the feeling of separation when we’re unable to gather together. Where might God be calling us, how might God be strengthening us, and how is God’s Spirit in our midst? Scripture: Romans 8:1-11