A Life That Matters

We end this liturgical year with a short series from the gospels. We’ve covered a lot of ground this year. And rightly so! It has been a tumultuous time!

Maybe it has been useful for us to reexamine our practices and our patterns in order to move into the new world that is coming into being around us. Maybe the church that has been isn’t the church that is needed today. And our task is to discover that new community and those new disciples, and how we live into new promise and new hope.

So, what would this new understanding of the life of discipleship look like? What are some of the markers that help us grow into a life that matters, as individuals and as a community of faith and transformation? This series is designed to give some answers to these questions. It is not, however, supposed to be exhaustive! It is incomplete! There are a lot of other markers that might be included in such a list. But guided by the lectionary-assigned gospel texts for these three Sundays in November 2021, we discover three elements out of many that go to make up “A Life That Matters.”

Note: Due to technical issues on November 14th, we are unable to include audio or video from that week. We apologize.

Everyone Who Belongs

As we approach the end of our Christian year with Reign of Christ Sunday (sometimes called Christ the King), we might consider where we place Christ in our lives. Have we kept Jesus at the center of our awareness, remembering his parables and teachings? Have we remembered each day and even each moment to follow the commands to love God with all that we have and to love our neighbors as ourselves? Have we allowed Christ to reign in our…

Everything She Had

Through our recent series on parables, there were several times when Jesus would teach the phrase we now hold familiar: the first shall be last and the last shall be first. The text this Sunday may offer a parallel illustration. The text contrasts those who like to be recognized in public, and the humble widow who quietly gives everything. We might consider how this inspires us to live as people of faith. Scripture: Mark 12:38-44