Short Stories by Jesus

For two months, we embark on a study of nine parables of Jesus as told in the synoptic Gospels. We are guided in this series by the book Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi by Dr. Amy-Jill Levine of Vanderbilt Divinity School. As a person of Jewish faith, Professor Levine helps us examine these parables from a perspective similar to Jesus’ original audience.

The Rich Man & Lazarus

This Sunday we conclude our sermon series on the parables of Jesus. The parable of the rich man and Lazarus may be another familiar one, and in this case the original audience may have guessed the same about each character as we do today. Even so, Professor Levine reminds us not to think of this parable as one about the afterlife but is a message that we can still make changes in this life. Scripture: Luke 16:19-31

The Widow & the Judge

This Sunday we near the end of our sermon series on the parables of Jesus, this one addressed to those who “need to pray continuously and not to be discouraged.” I’m not sure about you, but the idea of praying continuously wears me out. Honestly, I feel like I have been! So in a way, I feel like this parable is for me. Maybe it’s for you too… Scripture: Luke 18:1-8

The Laborers in the Vineyard

This Sunday we continue our sermon series on the parables of Jesus, guided by the book Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi by Amy-Jill Levine. In a fair world, everybody would get equal treatment. We would all get what we deserve and not get what we do not deserve. Yet, that is not always the case. This parable helps us to consider the issue of fairness from an economic point of view, but it also…

The Pharisee & the Tax Collector

This Sunday we continue our sermon series on the parables of Jesus with the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector. What a moving parable this is! What an opportunity for us to feel good about ourselves and to comfort ourselves… well at least if we identify more with the tax collector (think IRS) rather than the Pharisee (think of the uber-religious person). Jesus directs this parable to those who hold themselves above others in their religiosity. Scripture: Luke…

The Mustard Seed

This Sunday we continue our sermon series on the parables of Jesus, guided by the book Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi by Amy-Jill Levine. We’ll get to explore another parable about the kingdom of God. The Scripture is from Mark 4:30-32, the parable of the mustard seed. In this passage, the kingdom of God is compared to a small mustard seed being scattered on the ground, where it eventually grew into a big plant…

The Pearl of Great Price

Continuing our series on the parables of Jesus, this Sunday’s text describes a merchant who in his act of searching for many fine pearls found one precious pearl and sold everything to acquire it.  He is no longer a merchant because he no longer has a trade or anything left besides his precious pearl. This is an example of extravagant discipleship, and many of us would not find ourselves doing the same thing. However, in recognizing God’s invaluable gift for…

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like Yeast

Continuing our series on the parables of Jesus, this Sunday’s text gives us images of growth and height. The yeast fills dough with air, makes it rise, gives it texture and richness. We seem to value these things! And yes, perhaps I’ve inflated this illustration (as preachers are wont to do), and in doing so perhaps have given it texture and richness. The short text for this Sunday is rich with imagery, in part because it is familiar. Scripture: Matthew…

Hospitality: The Good Samaritan

This Sunday we continue our sermon series on the parables of Jesus. Once again, we enter into a familiar story! The Good Samaritan is surely one we’ve heard ourselves, we’ve heard a number of pop culture references, and perhaps we’ve even seen children or grandchildren or nieces/nephews perform skits. We know this story! Perhaps we even see ourselves in this story. Scripture: Luke 10:24-37 (CEB)

Prodigal Son Redux

This Sunday we begin a new sermon series on the parables of Jesus, and the first will be the familiar story of the prodigal son. We’ve surely heard this story before, and sometimes when we hear the same story again and again—even one that has importance to us—we can drift away and lose interest. But when we hear another storyteller or hear another perspective, we can find new interest and new joy in the same story once again. Scripture: Luke…